Arthritis & Osteoporosis NT (AONT)

AONT is a not-for-profit organisation partly funded by the NT Dept of Heath.

We provide support services, information and education to improve the understanding of arthritis and osteoporosis, promoting healthy lifestyles and self-management to reduce the burden of these diseases.

No referrals are needed and walk-ins are welcome.

We are affiliated with Arthritis Australia and work with them and Arthritis organisations in other states.

We also have educational resources from Healthy Bones Australia.

AONT office at Rapid Creek
AONT office at Rapid Creek

Latest News

Arthritis Australia —

The urgent need for better care for arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions

On 21 August Arthritis Australia held an Arthritis Summit at Parliament House in Canberra.  Representatives from all the states and territories attended as well as politicians, business leaders and community representatives.  Almost 100 people were present including our Treasurer Ruth Garden as the NT representative.

For more details go to

Millennials Face A Painful & Stiff Future: New Report Reveals Generations Hit Hardest with Arthritis

Projections released earlier this year by Arthritis Australia reveal Millennials are facing a painful and debilitating health crisis by 2040, set to become a demographic significantly impacted by arthritis within Australia’s workforce, with 1 in 6 expected to be suffering from arthritis.

To read more about this on the Arthritis Australia website click here

Sport: Injuries and Joint Health

Did you know that sports injuries can lead to osteoarthritis later in life. Everyone who plays sport should be aware of this and act on it. Read our brochure to find out what you can do to help prevent this happening.

Sport injuries and joint health

Upcoming Events

Pain self-management program

to help you learn how to manage and live better with chronic pain

Next sessions:

Friday 15 November 9.30 am to 1 pm at AONT Office, Shop 48 Rapid Creek Business Village, 48 Trower Rd

Cost: Gold coin donation for materials and refreshments

Bookings essential:  Ring the office on Freecall: 1800 011 041 or (08) 8948 5232 or email on


Exercise is extremely important for both arthritis and osteoporosis sufferers.

“Oh yes, this program keeps my knees moving. The surgeon said the reason I am doing so well after my knee replacement is because I was doing these exercises and keeping fit and strong” Annie

“I had my first day at work with no pain. It has been amazing how much the exercises have helped with my ankle injury and overall strength” Julie

Exercise programs are available through organisations such as COTA ( and Darwin City Council Healthy Darwin (

Check out the options below.

Taking the First Step

An education session to learn how to make physical activity a part of your everyday life – ring Freecall: 1800 011 041 or (08) 8948 5232 for more information about the course and dates and times of sessions.

Moving with Arthritis

Arthritis Australia website to help you get moving (

Stronger Today

Exercise classes for 50+ run by Southern Cross Care.

Click here for more information Stronger Today

GLA:D Program –

exercises for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis (OA)

Click here to look at the GLA:D Australia website

and click here to find a clinic where you can do GLA:D in Darwin