Make a Donation

Thank you for electing to donate to Arthritis & Osteoporosis NT.

You may like to consider the following options:

  • donate directly by direct debit or contacting the office;
  • donate online via our My Cause page
  • donate in memory of a loved one instead of giving flowers at a funeral;

OR leave a bequest:

  • remembering us in your will can provide AONT with additional future funds with which to continue our work. We advise you to discuss your wishes with your family and consult a lawyer for the correct procedure.
Ring to donate

Ring our office on Freecall: 1800 011 041 or (08) 8948 5232 to make a payment by credit card

Ring to donate

Make a direct debit payment to

BSB: 065 901
Account No: 009 182 25

For the Reference, please enter “donation” and your name

Please call us on (08) 8948 5232 or email us at to advise us of your postal address so we can send your receipt.